عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 06-10-2021, 08:00 PM
الصورة الرمزية أم أبي التراب
أم أبي التراب أم أبي التراب غير متواجد حالياً
غفر الله لها
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2017
المشاركات: 4,260



The legitimacy of Sujuoud Al Sahw:

Sujuoud Al Sahw is obligatory or likeable for decreasing or increasing or doubting in Al fard or Al Nafl, on the condition that the prayer has rokoe and sujoud.

What Prostrations Of Forgetfulness is about?

Sujuoud Al Sahw is two prostrations which are done to compensate anything wrong in the prayer occurred due to forgetfulness.

The reasons of Al Sahw (forgetfulness), increase, decrease (deficiency) and doubt.

Does Sujuoud Al Sahw has Qiam, Takbeer and Tasleem?

Yes, it has Takbeer and Tasleem but it doesn't have Qiam.

If Sahw (forgetfulness) is repeated in the same prayer, one Sujuoud Al Sahw is sufficient.

If one forgot one of the Wajibaat, and remembered it, after leaving his position in prayer, before moving to the next rukn, he should return and perform this Wajib, then complete his prayer and perform Sujuoud Al Sahw before Al Tasleem.

If he remembered this Wajib after going to the next rukn, this Wajib is omitted, he completes his prayer and perform Sujuoud Al Sahw before Al Tasleem.

If he remembers it before leaving his position in the prayer, he performs it and doesn't need Sujuoud Al Sahw .

If one forgets one of the Sunnan in the prayer, this sunnah is omitted, and it is likeable to perform Sujuoud Al Sahw.


If there is any increase in the prayer, then Sujuoud Al Sahw is after Al Tasleem.

If there is any deficiency in the prayer, then Sujuoud Al Sahw is before Al Tasleem.

If there's doubt,
If one is not certain, then it is after Al Tasleem.
If one is certain, then it's before Al Tasleem.

If one has two Sahw (forgetfulness), one is compensated with Sujuoud Al Sahw before Al Tasleem and the other after Al Tasleem, he performs it before Al Tasleem.

If the Imam forgets, the Ma'momeen (people following the Imam), should follow the Imam and perform Sujuoud Al Sahw like him even if they didn't forget like the Imam .

If the Ma'mom forgets while praying after the Imam, he doesn't have to perform Sujuoud Al Sahw and the Imam bears any mistake of the Ma'momeen.

Scholars differed on the issue of following the Imam in his forgetfulness, but the Ma'momeen should follow the Imam according to the hadith :

"إنَّما جُعِلَ الإمام ليؤتمَّ به ، فلا تختلفوا عليه"

"The Imam is to be followed, don't act differently from him. "
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